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can guinea pigs and hamsters live together

Can guinea pigs and hamsters live together?

Hamsters are creatures that many guinea pig owners have in addition to their piggies.

They are extremely cute pets, are low maintenance and don’t cost very much to maintain.

Hamsters also don’t take up very much space.

Their cage can be put in a corner of your home to enjoy the warmth of the environment that they are in.

They are nocturnal creatures who much prefer to do their activities during the night time and then sleep during the day.

This means that they are very noisy at night as they love to run and will often be found on their hamster wheel.

The sound of a whirring hamster wheel will often be heard during the nighttime hours.

This is why it is a bad idea not to sleep in the same room or near the place where a hamster is kept.

Hamsters are not social creatures and most species that are bred in captivity only prefer to be kept alone.

The most popular breed of hamster is the Syrian hamster and they are very much solitary creatures.

Hamsters don’t tend to live for that long, between 2-3 years at the very most and so you really have to make the most of the time that you have with them.


So what happens when you have both a hamster and a guinea pig.

Can economies be made so that it is easier to put them together?

Can guinea pigs and hamsters live together?

No, they can’t at all, unfortunately. These are the reasons why;

They are two different types of creature.

Guinea pigs are very social animals.

They enjoy the company of other guinea pigs and spending time with them.

They do not like living alone that much and do much better when in the company of others.

Their quality of life increases when they spend time with other piggies.

The social interaction and help they give each other gives them life.

Hamsters, on the other hand, prefer to live in solitary situations.

Most hamsters do not enjoy the company of others, even the same types of hamster.

If they are to live with anyone, it is their own kin who they have grown up with since birth and haven’t been separated from.

When they are put with other creatures or stranger hamsters, they get agitated and aggressive.

Putting a hamster and a guinea pig/s together could be disastrous for both creatures from a social point of view because of these reasons.