Category Archives: Breeds of Guinea Pig

magpie guinea pig

All about the Magpie Guinea pig

The magpie guinea pig is a variety of guinea pig hair color and not a type of cavy.

This means that their hair can vary from being a smooth black and white coat to a teddy black and white coat.

They have patches of black and patches of white, and then parts where its coat is intertwined with black and white hairs.

Much like the harlequin guinea pig, the magpie has colors that are equally balanced on both sides of their body.

Their feet though can be any color.

Becuase the magpie variety represents their hair color, the magpie cavy is very much like any other guinea pig.

They will eat the same food, have the same vocalizations, sleep the same way and have very much the same behaviors as you would expect from any other guinea pig.

They are found in many different countries around the world and are bred by specialist breeders for their unique hair coloring.

ridgeback guinea pigs

All about the Ridgeback Guinea Pig in 9 facts

The Ridgeback guinea pig is so named because they have a feature of hair on their back which starts from their ears and go all along their spine.

This ridge of hair has a length of approximately 2.5cm and does not swirl but sticks straight up.

The rest of the hair on their body is smooth and short just like a short haired cavy.

They are often named ‘Ridgy’s’ or ‘Ridgy pigs’

They vary in coloring and are just known because of their ridge of hair.

There are no signs of any rosettes on these cavies.

They eat, drink and behave just like any other guinea pig and so their diet remains the same as other cavies.

They are a different variety of guinea pig to the crested ridgeback which is bred in Australia.

They are often bred by specialist breeders around the world who prize them for this unique feature of hair on their backs.

For more varieties and breeds of guinea pigs, check out our guinea pig breeds page

All about the Harlequin guinea pig in 28 facts

The Harlequin guinea pig is a beautiful guinea pig with a fine coat of color which makes it stand out. Here are 28 great facts about this special variety of guinea pig.

28 Harlequin Guinea pig facts
  1. The harlequin guinea pig is a rarer variety of guinea pig
  2. It is a variety of guinea pig as all guinea pigs are of the same species.
  3. It is a smooth coated guinea pig much like the American guinea pig.
  4. They are found in most developed countries.
  5. Like other varieties, it was first brought into the world through cross-breeding different varieties.
  6. In fact, they come from roans, brindles and Dalmatians which have been bred together.
  7. The harlequin refers to its coloring which differs it from other varieties of guinea pig
  8. It carries a cheque board pattern of square-cut patches of black, yellow, and black/yellow which intermingles with a dividing line that runs the length of the guineapig both on its top and underside.
  9. The harlequin should be half black and half yellow in color
  10. There is no set sequence for the patches.on its body
  11. Each patch should consist of either a solid color or an even intermixing of colors, clearly delineated from surrounding patches, and there should be no intermingling of hairs of a different color in the patches.
  12. The divide of color is down the centre of its face
  13. The body of the harlequin has either black and yellow equally distributed or black and yellow mixed together or even three colors on each side of the guinea pig which are balanced equally.
  14. Another variation of the Harlequin is the chocolate harlequin which has chocolate brown instead of black.
  15. All of the colors should be present on each side of the cavy, ideally on the body.
  16. They have more mixed color bands on the abdomen and rump.
  17. They have more solid colors on their faces.
  18. The harlequin has large eyes which are round and dark
  19. They have large and drooping ears.
  20. They should have soft groomed hair which is free of guard hairs
  21. Harlequins tend to have dark eyes
  22. They have short cobby bodies with good width across their shoulders and body
  23. Harlequins tend to have a good size according to their age.
  24. They have large bright and bold eyes set with a good width between
  25. Harlequins muzzle is of good width and rounded at their nostrils.
  26. They have a short and broad head with a curving profile.
  27. As a variety of guinea pig, they are difficult to find if you want to purchase one.
  28. They can usually be obtained from specialist breeders of harlequin guinea pigs.

source British cavy council