Tag Archives: jelly

can guinea pigs eat jello

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Jello?

We love jello in our house and so we often see it on various occasions.

So if we can eat jello can guinea pigs eat it and if so how much can they eat?

Can guinea pigs eat jello?

Unfortunately, they can’t join in the whole jello fun. This is because jello is made up of sugar and water, both things that are not so good for guinea pigs.

So if you have jello in your home then keep it away from your guinea pigs.

For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our guinea pig food list.

can guinea pigs eat strawberry jam

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberry Jam?

We love strawberry jam

There’s nothing quite like it on scones especially with clotted cream in the summertime.

An English tradition that we enjoy immensely.

image wikipedia

So we know that guinea pigs can’t eat dairy. But what about strawberry jam?

Can guinea pigs eat strawberry jam?

Unfortunately, strawberry jam is far too sweet for them to enjoy.

Of course, if they are presented with it, they will nibble at it.

But they can’t eat sweet things too much and because strawberry jam is very sweet it is not good for them at all.

So as far as feeding it to your guinea pigs is concerned, steer clear of doing so and give them something they’ll enjoy instead.

For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our guinea pig food list.