Tag Archives: flies

can guinea pigs eat maggots

Can guinea pigs eat maggots?

A maggot is the larva of a fly (order Diptera); it is applied in particular to the larvae of Brachycera flies, such as houseflies, cheese flies, and blowflies, rather than larvae of the Nematocera, such as mosquitoes and Crane flies.

As with fleas and ticks, maggots can be a threat to household pets and livestock, especially sheep.

Flies reproduce rapidly in the summer months and maggots can come in large numbers, creating a maggot infestation and a high risk of myiasis (a maggot infestation of living tissue) in sheep and other animals. (source)

Can guinea pigs eat maggots?

They shouldn’t eat them as they are full of bacteria. If your guinea pig happens to come across one in their cage it is a sign that flies have got in and started laying eggs which in turn have turned into maggots.

The cage needs to be cleaned out thoroughly and disinfected with animal-friendly disinfectant.

If they eat them, monitor your guinea pig and if there is a downturn in their well being then consult a veterinary surgeon.

For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our guinea pig food list.