Tag Archives: chicken

can guinea pigs eat ferret food

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Ferret Food?

Ferret food is the specialist food that is made for ferrets.

Every pet has a specific food pellet or mixes which is made for and given to their pet to have.

This includes ferrets who have specific nutritional requirements that other animals don’t have.

Can guinea pigs eat ferret food?

If they take a nibble of ferret food then will be fine but it isn’t a food that should be fed to them directly.

Ferrets are strict carnivores like cats are and so need a high protein source like what ferret food contains as a food for them.

Ferret mix or pellets are a great food for them to provide for their nutritional requirements. It contains high quantities of lamb or chicken for them.

This means it is a food that shouldn’t be fed to them in large quantities.

If they were to have a nibble of it, they will be fine but if you have a ferret and a guinea pig, for example, they couldn’t share the ferret food on a regular basis, unfortunately.

So there need to be other ways found to cut down on the cost of keeping the two pets.

For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat check out our guinea pig food list. 


can guinea pigs eat meat

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Meat?

There are so many types of meat that you can get that it seems a bit of generalistic title for a blog post.

Can guinea pigs eat meat?

But as to whether guinea pigs can eat meat, the answer is unfortunately quite simple.

image wikipedia

Guinea pigs are herbivores and so can’t eat any types of meat at all. That includes any fresh meats to processed meats, hot or cold.

So if you are thinking of giving your guinea pig meat at all, then steer clear of it.

They will much prefer eating veggies, fruits, hays, plus guinea pig mix which will provide a lot more nutritional benefit for them.

For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our guinea pig food list.

can guinea pigs eat chicken

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Chicken?

We absolutely love chicken in our family. We happen to eat it most weeks and have it in a lot of dishes.

It is as we know such a popular food around the world amongst different cultures.

image flickr Alpha

Can guinea pigs eat chicken?

So if we can eat it, can guinea pigs eat chicken as well?

Unfortunately, they can’t.

Guinea pigs are herbivores and so can’t eat any meat whatsoever.

This includes all kinds of chicken, from fresh poultry to cooked chicken, to processed chicken, to variations such as fried chicken.

If they do happen to nibble on it, they will be fine but they will not eat any beyond that nibble.

Guinea pigs love to eat hay, veggies, and fruit by nature so look at the many veggies that they can eat.

For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our guinea pig food list