guinea pig rescue shelters in alberta

Guinea Pig Rescue Shelters in Alberta?

Here is a list of guinea pig rescue shelters in Alberta, Canada that we know of.

If you happen to know of any more that we haven’t mentioned, then please do let us know.

image wikipedia

KassysFurryFriends Guinea Pig Rescue – Based in Calgary, KassysFurryFriends is a non-profit piggy rescue that I started up in January from my own home, I have an entire room just for the piggies alone and have big plans for this rescue 🙂 I started of just getting a piggy form the spca and fell in love from there I adopted a few more and when I realized how many piggies really need a home or a really good shelter to house them till they can find a home it melted my heart and started the rescue.

Edmonton Humane Society – Based in Edmonton, Through partnership and innovation, The Edmonton Humane Society (a registered charity) is committed to helping homeless and abused companion animals, enlightening people, and enriching lives.

One thought on “Guinea Pig Rescue Shelters in Alberta?

  1. We just moved to a new house, but the manager said we can not have guineapig here. So we need to donate our two two year old female guineapig plz help!ty

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